1. Lay Out Pool On Site
Remove items in area of pool installation. Remove sod or lawn for pool deck & deck area. Then lay the pool out for excavation according to the installation plan.
2. Excavation
The hole where the pool will go is dug.
3. Pool Arrives
Your Sun Pool arrives complete and ready to place in the hole.
4. Setting Pool In Position
Pool is lowered and ready to place in hole.
5. Leveling Pool Shell
Levels are checked continuously during setting of pool.
6. Set and Filled With Water
Sun Pools feature a unique lamination pattern called Critical Point Lamination (A). This process places the building material across the pool from side-to-side, instead of the industry standard of end-to-end. This process creates one of the industries toughest pools. Your new Sun Pool won’t need a belly band, spreader bar (brace) across the pool when installed (B).
7. Backfilling
Backfill pool and connect plumbing.
8. Pool Deck Forms Placed
Setting deck forms in preparation for pouring.
9. Pool Deck Poured
10. Pool Installation Complete
Pool deck is finished, railing, screen and extra installations are complete. Enjoy your new backyard oasis and begin building your poolside memories!